On January 22nd, The Delegate Councillor of Urban Ecology and Mobility, Armando Cuenca, handed over the prizes of the “Eco- Families” lucky draw within the framework of FIESTA project, that was held on December 2015. Two refrigerators and eight energy saving kits were raffled among all citizens that participated in workshops or in the energy audits, becoming part of a follow-up plan of the energy savings achieved at home. The Ceremony Award took place in the Reception Hall of the City of Pamplona and Joël Dozzi, in charge of the Green Energy Service, also was present.
Those honored with an energy efficient fridge (A+++), amounting to 1,000 euros, were Mikel Zarzuela and Ana Sainz Hermoso. The eight energy saving kits included LED light-bulbs and each kit was valued in 50 euros. The kits went to Juan Aciondo, Ana Malon, Ana Sainz Hermoso, Oscar Baquedano, Isabel Jiménez, Bittor Light Villa Maria de Ujué Moreno and Carlos Donazar.
Comune di Trieste
via della Procureria 2A
34121 Trieste
auditor: Valentina Fernetti
tel: 040 675 8336
e-mail: sportellofiesta@comune.trieste.it
Orario di apertura:
Lunedì 14.30-17.00
Mercoledì 9.00-12.30
Comune di Forlì
Piazzetta della Misura, 5,
47121 Forlì
auditor: Fabrizio Chinaglia
tel: 0543 712434
e-mail: sportelloenergia@comune.forli.fc.it
Orario di apertura:
Lunedì 9:00 - 12:00
Giovedì 15:00 - 18:00.
Comune di Ravenna
Piazzale Farini, 21 - 2° piano
48121 Ravenna
auditor: Silvia Rossi
tel: 0544 482674
e-mail: sportelloenergia@comune.ra.it
Orario di apertura:
Mercoledì 9.00 - 13.00
Giovedì 14.30 - 17.00
Ayuntamiento de Logroño
Punto de Información
Ahorro de Energía
Avda. de la Paz, 11
Teléfono: 941 27 70 00 (ext.1440/ext.1438)
Ayuntamiento de Pamplona
Punto Infoenergía
C/ Uztarroz s/n, 1ª planta
(Monasterio Viejo de San Pedro),
Teléfono: 948 420 991
Email: infoenergia@pamplona.es
Horas de trabajo: de lunes a viernes de 9 a 14 h.
Grad Pula –Pola
Giardini 2,
52100 Pula
Tel: 0992269574
E-mail: enu@pula.hr
Grad Rijeka
RI INFO – Korzo 18b
51000 Rijeka
Tel: 051 209 616
E-mail: marin.luburic@rijeka.hr
Grad Zadar
Brne Krnarutića 13
23000 Zadar
Tel: 023/208 043
E-mail: graditeljstvo@grad-zadar.hr
Община Враца
ул. “Стефанаки Савов” №6, , гр.
Враца 3000
Телефон: 092 62 95 63
Имейл: energyhelpdesk_vratsa@abv.bg